Print making
In this section, you will find block printing projects that I made through the lino carving technique.
Unlike other mediums, where I can more readily evaluate every stroke as being good or bad, with lino carving it is not always so clear. The carving area is often of the same color and I can’t always anticipate which grooves are deep enough to not be exposed to ink or how a surface might look when inked. Evaluating my work, either by making a test print or by manually coloring specific areas as I work, becomes essential to the process.
I find lino carving helps me accept failure more easily. One slip with the carving tool and I might ruin an essential section of the printing surface. Unlike wood, paint, or clay, I oftentimes can’t fix my mistake by covering it or by sculpting more into the shape. Therefore, for a beginner like myself, it becomes essential to focus on the process rather than the goal. To learn rather than produce. As I go, I find ways to avoid starting from scratch. I also find ways to accept mistakes as beautiful. Sometimes these mistakes lead to learning, other times they lead to interesting effects.